Save Albert Park produced media releases from 2005. Here are some media releases from 2012.

Questioning grand prix dodgy claims

PM Morrison ignores the evidence in choosing his COVID-19 Commission
Grand Prix health and safety problems remain as bad as ever
Media Guide to defining shameless and gormless

Reporting of False Grand Prix Attendance Figures
$1 billion lost: No business plan, just lies and deception
Lying, cheating and deception are endemic to Australian motor racing
The Grand Prix will be renewed based on lies and no business case

Last year’s F1 grand prix cost taxpayers $100.513 million
Did taxpayers pay $460,000 to hide the truth?

Pollies Grand Prix perks: $1.5m?
Grand Prix failure – here's why
Schools don't belong at the Grand Prix
Premier Andrews, grand prix accountability is urgently required
Did taxpayers pay $460,000 to hide the truth?
Grand Prix harms local sport – yet again

The grand prix only 'lost' $61million this year!
Well may you ask how much did taxpayers pay for the premier's suite
Our biggest charity or most expensive job creation program?
Grand Prix Public Safety Risk
Cease and desist notice to Premier Andrews
Grand Prix deception exposed. This fact sheet demolishes all the false and misleading claims.

One grand prix can build four new schools
A billion dollars down the drain and Premier Andrews is using false information to boost the grand prix
Have the Grand Prix Corporation's spin doctors been busy again this year?
"I will not be lied to" says Daniel Andrews. Indeed, says SAP
SAP asks, "Are all journalists innumerate?"
The real facts on the grand prix, direct from independent sources

Premier Andrews, Save Junction Oval from overdevelopment
'Branding' Melbourne: It's the pits
Fact-check or Fiction? The media on notice
Is Premier Napthine using false information to boost the grand prix?
The real facts about the Australian F1 grand prix

New study again shows the grand prix is an economic loser 10 Oct 2013
Déjà vu: Grand Prix Corporation admits 'the truth would hurt us'. Again! 24 Sep 2013
The grand prix has now taken $500 million from the taxpayers of Victoria 28 Aug 2013
Is the grand prix breaking the law? You be the judge
The last big secret of the Melbourne grand prix: how many actual spectators?
Media alert on grand prix attendance numbers
You only need primary school mathematics to prove theyre wrong

Download 2012 Grand Prix 'crowd' photos
The grand prix: show us the benefits Louise!
These pictures show what we always suspected on attendance claims
Truth would hurt us – grand prix chief
Grand prix still relies on its hoary old myths

Artist: Andrew Sibley

Artist: Ron Arnott

Artist: Mike Green

A section of the fence panel painting. This was created by the Save Albert Park Artists Group, led by the late Andrew Sibley. The site was the fence in front of the historic houe, ‘Oberwyl’ at the corner of Barkly and Mary Streets, St Kilda.